Tuesday, June 19, 2012

When in Rome... or Ireland

Last night I went with another au pair I met at the girls' school, Merce, to play basketball.  I've never actually played in a game of basketball but I decided since I was already in another country I might as well give it a try!  I met Merce at the school and we walked to the community center where the gym was to play.  The women I met were all a little bit older but very nice.  I went with every intention to only watch but some of the other ladies couldn't make it so I ended up playing and even scored!

Today Merce and I decided to go for coffee in the "business" district of Stamullen.  I took Pippa along and we had a great time.  Downtown Stamullen consists of a cafe (where we got coffee), a small grocery store, two barber shops, a pharmacy, a veterinarian clinic and a toy store.  Its nothing too impressive but its nice to know that I can walk there if I need to get essentials.  Merce also told me that the prices in Stamullen are a little higher than bigger cities.

I'm planning on going into Dublin on Friday night with Merce and stay until Saturday.  I've really enjoyed meeting her but she is going back to Spain on June 30th.  She wanted to take me into Dublin this weekend so I can meet some of her friends who are staying longer which is very thoughtful of her.  I'm definitely looking forward to exploring Dublin!

Both today and yesterday have been full days for me since Ciara has gone back to work.  I've got my work cut out for me with all three girls but I am enjoying every minute of it!

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