Monday, August 13, 2012

Good Morning America

Or rather good EARLY morning since its about 4:30 am for all of you at home.  I'm starting my Monday morning off drinking tea and eating cheerios with Pippa.  It is currently rainy and 15 degrees (Celsius) outside.  The rain  of course is what I've come to know and love, most of the time, as typical Irish weather.  However I still have no idea what 15 degrees Celsius means.  I don't know how many times anyone here has asked me what the weather would be like at home this time of year and I've begun to casually reply that its been over 100... And then I see the look of horror on their faces and realize I just described an uninhabitable place to them.

Yesterday marked the anniversary of my second month in Ireland.  I can't believe its already been two months!  While I'm still working on mastering certain parts of the Irish culture: knowing if 15 degrees Celsius means wearing a t-shirt or five sweaters, trying to decide if paying 9 euros for a sandwich is ridiculous (it is!), and deciphering Irish accents (anytime I meet a new Irish person I usually have to ask them to repeat things at least two times or I just nod and smile) I have also learned a lot.  So here are the top 5 things I've learned in Ireland:

1- You don't have to throw away your trash at McDonald's.
And if you do, people look at you funny.

2- "Cheers" can mean hello, goodbye, or thanks
Sorta of like aloha

3- The only soft drinks you can get anywhere are coke, diet, coke, and sprite.
And if you ask for anything else, people look at you funny.

4- Getting carded when the drinking is 18 is much more frustrating than when its 21.
Apparently I look like a 17 year old by Irish standards.

5- This is the cutest baby you'll ever meet in your life:

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