Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Dubliner's Weekend

This past weekend has been filled with birthdays, zombies, and acrobats.  It was quite the unlikely combination but a blast all the same!  Friday was Pippa's first birthday.  In the past 8 weeks I've been here I've spent most of my time with Pip.  I can't believe she is already 1!  Since I've been here she has started pulling up on EVERYTHING and really moving when she's crawling around.  She is certainly keeping me on my toes!

Almost a 1 year old!

I gave Pippa Goodnight Moon for her birthday present.  Nothing is better than a classic American bedtime story!  Maisy had me read it to her Friday evening in the middle of the party (while I had a beer in one hand, what a great role model I am!).

Saturday, Natalia and I headed into Dublin to meet up with Agnieszka and see the Dublin Zombie Walk.  What is a zombie walk you're probably asking yourself?  I'm still not entirely sure.  Basically, the Irish Cancer Foundation raised money by painting faces and advertising for Dubliners to join them on their zombie parade around the city.  Foundation volunteers walked along side the parade and collected donations.  I'm not sure how much money they were able to raise but the parade was funny to watch!  Some people really got into the spirit...

After the zombie walk we visited the National Museum of Archaeology, the National Library, and the National Gallery.  Unfortunately, pictures were prohibited in all of these areas.  My favorite was the National Gallery where I saw "Rooftops of Paris" by Vincent Van Gogh.  This was the first time I've seen any of Van Gogh's work in real life and I think its safe to say he is my favorite artist.  The Gallery also housed a Picasso and work by other famous artists.

Sunday we all went into Dublin again to see the Paper Dolls acrobatic show.  I hadn't been to anything like this since the lat time I was at the circus and it was definitely worth the 5 euro charge to get in!  These performers were so talented and while the show only lasted an hour, I loved every minute of it!  The show was in an outdoor venue and the atmosphere and decorations were just as great as the performers.

Trapeze twins

Part of the show cast

The scarf performers were awesome!

I loved the lamp shade decorations!

I am still loving exploring Ireland and Dublin.  While the city centre of Dublin is small, it is packed with places I still have yet to visit.  I'm thinking of going on another tour in the next few weekends so stay posted for updates!

1 comment:

  1. Laura. So exciting to read about your adventures. I am so proud of you for taking advantage of this opportunity. It sounds like life is going well and the family a good place to be.

    The girls start chool this Wednesday. They have had a great summer but just growing up too fast!

    Take care. Susan
