Monday, October 8, 2012

Back in Dublin

Hi everyone!  Once again I apologize for another blogging absence.  My goal has been to make a post once a week but some weeks there just isn't too much to share!  The past two weeks have been pretty uneventful.  My days have been filled with cleaning, playing with Pippa, helping the girls with homework and running.  Yep that's right I said running!  I try to go at least four times a week once I'm off work but that's been getting harder he past few weeks.  The Irish weather has taken a turn for winter here!  Its usually in the high 40s during the day and the rain is becoming more and more common.  Another change is what time the sun sets.  When I got here, the sun would start to set at maybe nine meaning it would be at least 11 before it became completely dark.  Now its dark by 7:30 and I've been told that this is just the beginning!  In the middle of winter its pitch black by 4:30 pm.  Now THAT is going to take some getting used to.

This weekend I spent time in Dublin for the first time in what felt like years!  I've been in Dublin the past month or two but only long enough to get on a train or bus to travel somewhere else.  It was nice to be back in the city centre.  Saturday I went in to do some shopping!  I haven't bought a single item of clothing (other than an Ireland sweatshirt) in the four months I've been here. I don't think I've gone that long without buying clothes since I had my first job when I was 16!  I went to Pennys which is a super cheap department store in Ireland.  If you're ever over here you've got to go!  Of course, the clothes aren't the best quality but at their prices you could buy two of everything! 
New Favorite Store!

I also went to H & M and TK Maxx.  Yep, its TJ Maxx but they thought the K made it sound more European than the J.  Who knew?  I also bought a few things to bring home when I visit which is happening in eight days! I can't wait to be back in America, and more importantly the South, for a little while!  I also met up with Hailey and we had lunch at Eddie Rockets.  It was so nice to have a cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake with an American friend.  It was almost like home!

Yesterday I went back in to Dublin to see an Irish film with a few other au pair friends.  It's called What Richard Did and it was really good!  I don't have much experience with small, independent films but I really enjoyed this one.  The film is based on a fictional book which strongly resembles events that occurred in Dublin about 12 years ago so that made it even more interesting. The director and actors are all Irish and the filming took place in Ireland as well.  Its nice to learn more about Dublin's history and culture while I'm here.
If you ever stumble across an Irish film festival in America, go see this!
Other than that, I can't think of too many things to update y'all on.  I'll be spending the week doing laundry and packing for my trip home!  And yes it takes almost a week to do laundry here, well more like 3 to 4 days.  Dryers in Ireland are super small and expensive to use.  Most families only use them for socks and underwear (if at all).  The most common way to dry clothes is still outside on a clothesline!  Lucky for me, Ciara has clothes driers we set up in the house so I don't have to constantly worry about if its going to rain when I'm trying to dry my clothes.

Next time I write it will be update you on my trip home!